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Philosophy of Massage

Why Massage?

  • Opens up blood vessels, improving circulation and relieving congestion
  • Restores full range of motion to your body, increasing flexibility and decreasing     pain and discomfort
  • Increases the blood supply and nutrition to muscles
  • Helps overcome harmful fatigue resulting from strenuous exercise or injury
  • Improves muscle tone and helps prevent or delay muscular atrophy resulting from inactivity

Massage improves circulation, which increases blood flow, bringing fresh oxygen to body tissues. This can assist the elimination of waste products, speed healing after injury and enhance recovery from disease.

Massage and other forms of bodywork therapy can help release the toxins and assist in the natural healing process. Additionally, this will assist in the removal of aches, pains and stress, leaving you relaxed and energized.

Massage is a benefit to all people whether it is for discomfort or the prevention and maintenance of the body's optimum health. Through the holistic view of massage the entire body is treated, not just the specific areas of discomfort, therefore, increasing the body's well being. Massage also improves mind-body awareness.

Massage is where the skin and muscles are pulled, pushed and generally rubbed. This is done to get various physiological functions in place. These functions help blood flow to help with healing.

Our mission as Massage Therapists is to restore, inspire, and promote balance and well being in the bodies, minds, and souls of our clients. We plan to achieve this mission by combining Swedish Massage, Reflexology and Aromatherapy treatments to better enhance your experience.

Our Mission

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